St Mary’s School embraces the mission of the Church by welcoming the enrolment of all students and families who share their vision and educational philosophy. Inspired and governed by the message and person of Jesus Christ, and committed to the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual development of each person, St Mary’s school provides Catholic education of the highest quality to its students.
Guidelines Statement
The Enrolment Guidelines aims to provide clear and consistent guidelines for the enrolment of students into St Mary’s school and is in line with Ballarat Diocesan School Advisory Council Enrolment Guidelines.
As a Catholic school, St Mary’s School has a particular responsibility to provide access to children baptised in the Catholic faith.
St Mary’s School is open to all who are willing to commit to support the philosophy, values and aims of Catholic schooling. While there is an invitation to all, the practicalities of being able to accommodate enrolments beyond current physical facilities may be limited by available resources. This will be at the discretion of the Governing Authority, Principal and school leadership team.
Students other than Catholics will be considered for enrolment provided this does not result in the exclusion of Catholic students (see enrolment criteria).
St Mary’s School actively seeks to engage families and carers as partners in their child’s education process and the life of the school in an atmosphere of co-responsibility and co-accountability.
All parents will be required to give an undertaking that they will respect the life, nature and identity of the school.
All students will be expected to participate fully in all aspects of school life including participation in the religious activities of the school.
St Mary’s is an inclusive and therefore welcoming school that accepts and supports those most in need.
St Mary’s School will provide Catholic education that is in accordance with diocesan, state and commonwealth educational policies and standards.
Enrolment Selection Criteria
Starting School: Prep
By law, children must have turned five by the 30th April of their first year of school.
Enrolments will be allocated in the following order of priority:
Siblings of children already enrolled in the school will be given priority
Baptised children who are resident in the St Mary’s parish.
Baptised children who do not reside in the parish but are recognised as parishioners by the governing authority.
Baptised children of Catholic families from parishes that do not have a Catholic school.
Baptised children of Catholic families from other parishes (for pastoral reasons).
Children not baptised from families in the parish with one parent a baptised Catholic
Baptised children of Christian families who reside in the parish.
Baptised children of Christian families who reside outside the parish.
Children from a faith background other than Christian or other pastoral considerations
Other Year levels
Catholic students who wish to transfer from another Catholic or government school will be considered as a priority according to criteria for Prep enrolments and may take into account any additional circumstances. If it is not possible to offer a place, the school will assist in providing information regarding enrolment in nearby Catholic schools.
Baptised students of Christian families or of other faiths who wish to transfer from a Catholic or government school will be considered according to criteria for Prep enrolments and may take into account additional circumstances. The enrolment will depend on a place being available and does not result in the exclusion of a Catholic student. If it is not possible to offer a place, the school will assist in providing information regarding enrolment in nearby Catholic schools.
It is expected that St Mary’s School is provided with all relevant information on a transferring student. The school may request to make contact with the student’s current school.
Enrolment Procedures
Each Catholic school is responsible for its own enrolment guidelines and procedures. Enrolment at a Catholic primary school does not guarantee enrolment at a Catholic secondary school.
The principal will consult with the governing authority on all matters pertaining to enrolment.
Annual enrolments dates, forms and procedures for Prep (Foundation) students and other year levels will be available on the school website and advertised in school and parish newsletters and community news.
A timeline will be available indicating when enrolments forms must be lodged, interview dates, notification of enrolment outcome and acceptance date. This will be provided on school website and updated annually.
The school will provide parents with the fees guidelines and procedures at the time of the enrolment enquiry (see Fees and levies).
The principal on behalf of the governing authority will interview all parents and the child/children they wish to enrol at St Mary’s School.
Students enrolling in St Mary’s schools are enrolled under the proviso that all students participate in the religious activities of the school.
Parents wishing to transfer their child from another school will be required to complete an “Application for Enrolment when applying from another Primary School”.
When enrolling students whose previous school was interstate, St Mary’s School will use the protocols of the Interstate Student Data Transfer Note (ISDTN).
St Mary’s school welcomes parents who wish to enrol a child with additional learning needs. The process for enrolling students with special needs or with a disability is the same as that for enrolling any student in accordance with the Enrolment Process Flowchart. St Mary’s school will comply with the relevant Australian and Victorian Government legislation when considering the enrolment of a child with additional learning.
During the process of enrolment, the particular learning needs of the student will be discussed. Parents have a responsibility to disclose all factors and relevant reports that impact on the child’s learning needs and potential resource requirements.
All prospective enrolments will require relevant documentation with their enrolment form including birth and baptism certificates, an Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register, visa (if relevant) and parenting orders (if relevant)
All information gathered will be maintained according to the Privacy Act 2000.
A Register of Enrolments containing all necessary information will be maintained at the school.
Any concerns about the implementation of the enrolment guidelines at St Mary’s School may be referred to the Catholic Education Office Ballarat for advice.
Fees and Levies​
The school offers a number of methods for paying fees to reduce any financial burden and to assist financial planning.
If a family is experiencing difficulty in meeting the required fee payment, it is the responsibility of the parent/s to contact the school as soon as the issue arises.
Families may also be able to access the Family Fee Assistance Scheme.
Additional fees for optional extra-curricular/special educational experiences such as private music must be paid. In some cases, an outside provider will bill the family directly.
School fees and levy structure will be contained in the enrolment package.
Appealing an Enrolment Decision
An appeal of the enrolment decision can be made where a family believes that a breach of the school enrolment guidelines or a breach of the relevant legislation has occurred.
An appeal is made to the Director of Catholic Education, PO Box 576, Ballarat VIC 3350 or director@ceoballarat.catholic.edu.au or phone 03 5337 7135.
The Director of Catholic Education will investigate the matter, consider if a breach has occurred and make a recommendation to the Principal if this is the case.